Breaking Point
In a time characterised by economic crises, political conflicts and natural disasters, we are in a constant state of anxious anticipation without having the possibility of preventing further catastrophes. Breaking Point mobilises and critically interrogates this dark presentiment and perceived powerlessness.
Taking inspiration from the ever changing nature of materials exposed to physical and environmental processes, Gustav Metzger’s auto-destructive art manifesto and trauma studies my work aims to create a visual and poetic parallelism between the physical and psychological nature of traumatic events.

Rudi Dutschke in the UK
Alongside the main symposium on Rudi Dutschke, an ongoing situation was developed in the same space, offering critical perspectives on debates about surveillance, solidarity, political activism and anti-authoritarian politics in the past and present.

Venufast is a comment on our highly sexualised society and the way in which products are created to meet unrealistic expectations. These products perpetuate misconceptions surrounding female desire, reinforcing stereotypes and fuelling the sex industry. Women are constantly asked to conform to the male ideals of femininity, which demands they switch roles from one stereotype to another with little choice. Venufast draws attention to this, advertising a fake medication, designed to be taken by women to satisfy this male desire and sexual expectations.

